TweetWords – July 20, 2011


Rick Warren
– Nothing is small when God is a part of it.
– When people who SEEM so right about the Gospel are so wrong about their own character, they don’t really know the Gospel.
– The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven has far more implications than just getting to heaven.

A W Tozer
The most dangerous trap is just living and forgetting that God exists.

D. A. Carson
It is a wretched bastardization of our goals when we want to win glory for ourselves instead of for Him.

C. S. Lewis
– He who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only.
– To ask that God’s love should be content with us as we are is to ask that God should cease to be God.

Max Lucado
We can’t protect children from every threat in life, but we can take them to the Source of life.

Reinhard Bonnke
There are two crosses, Christ’s and ours (Mat 16,24). His cross saves us eternally. Our cross saves us from wasting our lives.

Oswald Chambers
The level of my growth in grace is revealed by the way I look at obedience.

Paul David Tripp
– Your life doesn’t belong to you anymore because grace has finally and completely paid your spiritual mortgage.
– Every word Christ said, every decision he made, every action he took was substitutionary – all so that you’d be forgiven and accepted.
– The law is your mirror and your guide, but will never be your hope. The amazing grace of Jesus is your one and only hope.

Brian Houston
If you live without learning, you’ll under-achieve!

Bob Goff
Jesus picked the disciples, but I bet they thought they picked Him instead. Love lets us feel like the idea was ours.

Scott Williams
Platitudes of Hope & Change are not enough to truly change things. Real change comes with hard work, focus and commitment.

Charles Spurgeon
– Consider what you owe to His immutability. Though you have changed a thousand times, He has not changed once.
– God has left no screw loose in the machine. He has left nothing to chance or accident.
– There is no need for two to care, for God to care and the creature too.


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