Leonard Ravenhill
Preaching is not a profession, its a passion!
C. S. Lewis
Of all the bad men, religious bad men are the worst.
Charles Spurgeon
Lord, smite our rocky hearts, and make the waters flow.
Rick Warren
Don’t try to be better than others. Be better than you are right now.
A W Tozer
Not only does a Christian believe in the invisible world but he also counts on it.
J.C. Ryle
The servant of Christ undoubtedly is not to be a coward. They are to confess their Master before all people.
John Piper
Three things absolutely necessary for salvation: justification (Rom 8) regeneration (John 3), and sanctification (Heb. 12).
Max Lucado
Let others breathe the polluted air of anxiety. Be numbered among those who hear a different voice: God’s.
Oswald Chambers
If our trust is placed in human beings, we will end up despairing of everyone.
Paul David Tripp
– Obedience is freedom. Better to follow the Master’s plan than do what you weren’t wired to do – master yourself.
– One of the most dangerous moments in your life is that moment when you’re tempted to think you know more than your Creator.
– If you willingly submit to God’s call, you know transforming grace has visited you. Sinners tend to only want to submit to themselves.