TweetWords – July 31, 2011
Rick Warren
- The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now.
TweetWords – July 30, 2011
Leonard Ravenhill
Preaching is not a profession, its a passion!
TweetWords – July 29, 2011
Leonard Ravenhill
Only maturity knows love.
TweetWords – July 28, 2011
Rick Warren
Friend, you need Jesus as your Lord & Savior not because you'll die tonight but because you've got to live tomorrow.
TweetWords – July 27, 2011
Rick Warren
- You'll never understand yourself fully. But you can get to know Jesus who does understand you fully and still loves you.
- It's stupid to assume we know the motivations of other's hearts. We don't know our own motivations most of the time.