TweetWords – July 31, 2011


Rick Warren
– The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now.
– Preachers: You’re never persuasive when you’re abrasive.
Respect your hearers. „PLEASANT words promote instruction” Pr.16:21

Leonard Ravenhill
We are seeking blessing, we are seeking success, we are seeking ministry, God is seeking sacrifice!

A W Tozer
Unselfish love does not exploit its object and does not ask anythingin return. It comes out of a pure heart.

John Piper
The path of escape from the devil is not geographic. (John 17:15)

C. S. Lewis
Atheism? If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning.

Reinhard Bonnke
We can’t pour ointment on Christ’s head but we can love and give as the women did.

Oswald Chambers
We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.

Paul David Tripp
Corporate worship is designed to reclaim your wandering heart once again so that love for God is the ruling motive of all that you do.

Bob Goff
It’s easy to talk tough from the cheap seats; live out a faith which makes words optional.

Charles Spurgeon
The man who is all aglow with love to Jesus finds little need for amusement. He has no time for trifling.


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