TweetWords – July 2, 2011


Rick Warren
– Pastors: Everyone in your church is invaluable but no one is indespensible. It’s Jesus’ church, not yours, mine, or anyone else’s.
– Being thoughtful & sensitive to unbeliever guests at worship isnt consumerism.It’s LOVE! It’s also commanded: (1 Cor. 14)
– A church without the Cross is no long a church. Just a social club.
– Love creates beauty.The more you love a person,the more beauty you see in them and feeling loved, they become more beautiful.

A W Tozer
Everything is safe which we commit to the Lord, and nothing is really safe that is not so committed.

John Piper
– Have you climbed to the top and looked over the ridge of your knowledge at the endless mountain ranges of God? Breathtaking.
– Beware of hurry. Beholding glory begs for lingering.

C. S. Lewis
Sainthood lies in the habit of referring the smallest actions to God.

Max Lucado
His cure for the common life includes a strong dose of servanthood. After all, his Son did that. (Mk 10:85)

Reinhard Bonnke
God does not want us to spend our lives agonizing, even “wrestling” with Him to give us the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the joint gift of Father and Son. “In his presence is fullness of joy”- and His presence in us is a whole festival.

Paul David Tripp
– You’ll spend a glorious eternity worshipping and working for the King, doesn’t it make sense to get started now?
– I know, like me, you want now to be a comfortable destination, but it isn’t that. It’s an uncomfortable preparation for a final destination.
– Will you live today like grace has connected your life to something vastly bigger than the hopes and dreams of this little moment?

Brian Houston
Leaders goal: To be under no illusion regarding where things are at, but be able to see things the way they CAN become!

Bob Goff
– I used to think that being independent was good; but Jesus said when it came to Him, being absolutely dependent is better.
– Jesus hardly ever asked people what they knew; when He did, He asked what they were going to do with what they knew.


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