TweetWords – May 2, 2011


Rick Warren
When you fail at any skill you’re trying to master, just keep practicing!
Every master was first a disaster.

A W Tozer
A sense of majesty has been lost, and along with this a sense of dignity has disappeared among mankind.

Oswald Chambers
A self-assured saint is of no value to God.

Reinhard Bonnke
The Gospel is a ladder to God, not a ladder to fame or social position.
Jesus came to seek and to save sinners.

John Piper
The weeping of compassion is the weeping of joy impeded in the extension of itself to another.

C. S. Lewis
I do not doubt that whatever misery God permits will be for our good unless, by rebellious will, we convert it to evil.

Paul David Tripp
– If you put too many things in your need category, you will end up frustrated with life, hurt by others and doubting God’s goodness.
– You can’t live to meet all your needs and live to serve Christ at the same time. Live as his disciple, He’s got your true needs covered.

Brian Houston
– The best way to guarantee better days ahead, is to live wisely today!
– You wont find success through excess and you won’t be freed by greed!


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