TweetWords – March 31, 2011


Bob Goff
Treat each other like we might be spending eternity together.

Rick Warren
Humility is key to understanding what God is really like. Anytime pride enters my thinking, my view of God will be incorrect.

C. S. Lewis
– Idols always break the hearts of their worshipers.
– As long as he doesn’t convert it into action, it does not matter how much a man thinks about his repentance.

Oswald Chambers
If we…pay no attention to the way the Spirit of God works in us, we will become spiritual hypocrites.

D. A. Carson
Whatever the church does, it should prepare its members to face death and meet God.

Paul David Tripp
– You will be called to do battle with sin, but because of the grace of the cross, you will never be called to do battle with it on your own.
– Christ faced the enemy on your behalf so that when you face him you would not have to face him on your own.
– Christ worked to defeat sin so that your work to defeat it in your life would be victorious.

A W Tozer
The only people who get to heaven are conquered rebels – people who have rebelled against their sin.


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