TweetWords – Feb. 27, 2011


Oswald Chambers
We limit the Holy One of Israel by remembering only what we have allowed Him to do for us in the past.

Max Lucado
The cross of Christ creates a new people, based not on common ancestry or geography, but on a common Savior.

D. A. Carson
God saved us from Himself, to Himself and for Himself.

C. S. Lewis
Either Jesus is the Son of God; or a madman or worse. But His being just a great teacher? He’s not left that open to us

Paul David Tripp
Corporate worship is designed to confront you with the glory of the grace of Jesus so you won’t look for life, help and hope elsewhere.

John Piper
– How to know if a person is true: God-exaltation has replaced self-exaltation as the ruling life force. (John 7:18)


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