TweetWords – Feb. 18, 2011


Perry Noble
A heart that is ungrateful will always be unfruitful!

Our minds compute 800 words per minute. Our hearts can’t filter that quick so our mouths get us in trouble. Guard your tongue.

Oswald Chambers
Never let the sense of past failure defeat your next step.

Lisa Bevere
If women never connect with feminine virtue-beauty-honor & dignity they are incredibly vulnerable to sexual exploitation.

James MacDonald
God doesn’t want anything substituted for Him in our lives.

Rick Warren
– Celebrities, like poor photographs,are usually overexposed & underdeveloped.
– You havent really trusted God until you’ve attempted something that cant be done on your own power.

Mark Driscoll
Life is a classroom and God’s always teaching and if your eyes are open there’s always something to learn.

John Piper
O Lord, make your Word a window where the eyes of my soul see the wonders of your self.

The central element of worship in the Bible…is the giving of adoration to God. -R.C. Sproul

Leeland Mooring
Now, art can facilitate discipleship. But as soon as we focus more on making amazing art than making disciples then something is wrong.


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