Etichetă: Isus Hristos
What Would Jesus Undo
What Would Jesus Do? Ce ar face Isus? sau Ce ar fi făcut Isus? (în locul tău)
Dar What Would Jesus Undo? (Ce ar schimba Isus?)
John Piper – The supremacy of Jesus Christ
Seeing and Savoring the Supremacy of Jesus Christ Above All Things.
Passion 2012
January 1, 2012
Isus Hristos – şi El răstignit
Isus Hristos - şi El răstignit este esența vorbirii și a trăirii unui creștin și de aici pleacă autoritatea lui.
Terms That Abuse the Gospel
Would it surprise you that the following five terms are never used in the Bible when it comes to describing how a person receives salvation?
Make us whole
Pieces...from our lost jobs.
Pieces...from our bad choices.
Pieces...from our failing health.
Pieces...from our broken families.