Francesca Battistelli

Francesca Battistelli – the first female vocalist to win Dove Award for “Artist of...

Francesca Battistelli is the first female vocalist, in 19 Years, to win the Dove Award for “Artist of the Year”.
Chris August

Chris August – the third artist to win “New Artist of the Year Dove...

Chris August is the third artist who received “New Artist of the Year” Dove Award and “Male Vocalist of the Year” Dove Award in the history of the Dove Awards.
Michael W. Smith - Heilbronn (2015)

Michael W. Smith – Heilbronn (2015)

Lui Michael W. Smith i-a dat Dumnezeu un dar remarcabil: să cânte. Și nu oricum. Și recunosc că prima dată am fost atras de muzica lui, neștiind prea multe despre el ca om.
Acoperă-mi inima cu mâna Ta

Acoperă-mi inima cu mâna Ta

A.Dama rosteşte o rugăciune sensibilă pe care şi eu mi-o pot însuşi. Şi de fapt în două cereri stă cheia biruinţei şi a transformării după chipul lui Hristos.
Jessy Dixon has gone

Jessy Dixon has gone

Jessy Dixon, a singer and songwriter who helped popularize gospel music with his energetic style and who found a wider audience touring and recording with Paul Simon, died on Monday at his home in Chicago. He was 73.

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