TweetWords – Feb. 23, 2011


Reinhard Bonnke
– The perfect husband is he who doesn’t expect his wife to be perfect. The perfect wife is she who doesn’t expect her husband to be perfect.
– To have Christ’s ministry is possible, but only to the degree of His compassion.

A W Tozer
Our problem is that we go from toy to toy rather than from glory to glory.

Misty Edwards
Meditating on the Incarnation today has given me both a head and heart explosion! O the mystery that God became a Man!

Bob Goff
– God has enough gatekeepers; He needs more greeters
– Live out your faith like a good ventriloquist; let people know what you believe without moving our lips too much.

Max Lucado
In the Bible God is called „the One who sees me.” His eyes are upon us to guide and protect and bless and correct.

John Piper
– Pastors, what instrument do you want as the dominant sound in corporate worship? Our choice: The human voice in praise.
– The power of humility. „Lord, even the dogs eat the children’s crumbs.” For this word the demon has left your daughter. (Mk. 7)

C. S. Lewis
– The most valuable thing the Psalms do for me is to express the same delight in God which made David dance.

John Bevere
The trials you face today are preparing you for the great feats you’ll accomplish tomorrow!!!


    • Mie mi se pare că Tozer face referire la 2 Corinteni 3:18:  „Noi toţi privim cu faţa descoperită, ca într-o oglindă, slava Domnului, şi suntem schimbaţi în acelaşi chip al Lui, din slavă în slavă, prin Duhul Domnului.”
      Daca este asa, atunci cred ca e vorba ca ne ocupam de lucruri religioase, ce nu urmaresc sa-L onoreze pe Dumnezeu, sau nu sunt inspirate de Dumnezeu.
      Ma duce gandul si la cartea lui Watchman Nee, „Slujind Domnului sau Casei Lui”, ca un exemplu interesant.
      E doar o parere.


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