Etichetă: Google
Un mic zâmbet
Matt Cutts, unul dintre oamenii cheie de la Google, a participat astăzi la semi-maratonul de la San Jose.
Ne-o spune chiar el pe Google+.
Just finished the San Jose half-marathon. Final time was about 2 hours, 29 minutes.
Bringing the Dead Sea Scrolls online
It’s taken 24 centuries, the work of archaeologists, scholars and historians, and the advent of the Internet to make the Dead Sea Scrolls accessible to anyone in the world.
Today, as the new year approaches on the Hebrew calendar, we’re celebrating the launch of the Dead Sea Scrolls online.
Să râdem sau să plângem: The Church of Google
Uite că după animale, stele, vegetale, extratereştri e rândul lui Google să joace rolul lui Dumnezeu.