JUNO Awards 2011

2011 JUNO Award Winners (Contemporary Christian)

The Juno Awards of 2011, honours Canadian music industry achievements in the latter part of 2009 and in most of 2010. The awards were presented in Toronto, Ontario, Canada during the weekend of 26 and 27 March 2011.
Tim Hughes

Tim Hughes – Counting on Your Name

A new video from Kingsway: Tim Hughes - Counting On Your Name In fact this is a preview of the following studio album of Tim Hughes, Love Shine through, scheduled to be released on 21st March 2011.
Justin Bieber & Pattie Lynn Mallette

Justin Bieber & Pattie Lynn Mallette (arhiva)

Ron Mainse vorbeşte despre timpul pe care Justin Bieber şi mama sa, Pattie Lynn Mallette, l-au avut la Full Circle, o emisiune 100 Huntley Street.
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