Bob Goff
We don’t need to sacrifice our goodness to pursue greatness. Go for broke; aim for both.
A W Tozer
God, in no hurry whatsoever, painstakingly chips away, removing everything that isn’t part of the image of Christ.
Max Lucado
– God does not exist to make a big deal out of us. We exist to make a big deal out of Him.
– Just read a message from a friend that said: „May the Fourth be with you.” Groan. That joke has a one day shelf life- use it quickly.
Paul David Tripp
– No If you’re God’s child, grace is not something you live in hope of, no it’s a present reality you live out of.
– You don’t wait for grace and then do what God has told you to do. No, you get his enabling grace in motion.
– Whatever internal or external struggles you face today you can rest assured, God’s grace is greater.
Hei Dem, esti ok? Pe unde esti? Bolnav? Sanatos? ce e cu tine?
Sunt bine acum si sper sa reincep sa scriu si pe blog.
Iti multumesc mult pentru intrebarile tale.
Deci … am presuspus eu bine ca esti bolnav …
Sper ca esti bine acu.
Welcome back!
Multumesc pentru intampinare!
Sper sa tin pasul cu scrisul.