TweetWords – March 26, 2011


Oswald Chambers
Remember that spiritual vision depends on our character— it is „the pure in heart ” who „see God”.

D. A. Carson
Unless men and women see their sin, they cannot possibly see their Savior. They cannot see what the cross is genuinely about.

Reinhard Bonnke
– Power! That is the essence of the gospel. A powerless gospel preacher is like an unwashed soap salesman.
– God uses manpower. Man needs God’s power. God works when people work.

C. S. Lewis
– The happiness which God designs for His higher creatures is the happiness of being freely, voluntarily united to Him
– No good work is done anywhere without aid from the Father of Lights.

Paul David Tripp
– When nothing else or no one else in your life remains and is faithful, you can rest assured, God will be both.
– God will not fail you, but every God-replacement you look to for life will.
– You don’t have to worry about God wandering away from you. You only need to be concerned about the wandering tendencies of your own heart.

A W Tozer
– God is going to be as pleased to have you with Him in heaven as you will be to be there with Him.
– If Jesus Christ is not the central figure in our lives and in our churches, we are only fooling ourselves.

Bob Goff
– Being caring and being daring should do more together than just rhyme.
– Acting like we have more faith than we have is like pretending we have more hair than we have.
– God welcomes us to punctuate our faith with as many exclamation marks as question marks. Be careful with the quote marks!


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