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Oswald Chambers
The inescapable spiritual need each of us has is the need to sign the death certificate of our sin nature.
C. S. Lewis
What we practise, not what we preach, is usually our contribution to the conversion of others.
Max Lucado
God may not speak when we want Him to, but he is working, behind the scenes, bringing the best possible solution.
Paul David Tripp
– Since my need for spiritual help is so great the Bible teaches that I need the daily intervention of the Body of Christ. (Heb. 3:12,13)
– Since sin blinds, you do not have the most accurate view of yourself. You need the help of others to see yourself with biblical clarity.
John Piper
– God’s love in offering love is not the love offered. The love offered is the Calvary love that conquers unbelief and keeps.
– All the religions that reject Jesus as God are without God. „The one who rejects Me rejects Him who sent me.” (Luke 10:16)
– My prosperity has passed away like a cloud” (Job 30:15). Better in this life than the next.
Brian Houston
When a church is healthy, the worship will always resonate with people’s hearts, and strike a chord in heaven!