TweetWords – March 20, 2011


A W Tozer
– So mankind, fallen like a broken vase, splintered into a million pieces still has something we call kindness.
– Sinners talk about God, appeal to God, use God’s name; but don’t obey God. That’s why they are sinners.

Rick Warren
– If people have to earn your love, then you dont really love them.
– JESUS is the one through whom God created everything… EVERYTHING was created THROUGH Him and FOR him. (Col. 1:16)
– You dont have to dislike someone because you disagree with them! Love is NOT a compromise of convictions. It’s Christlikeness!

Reinhard Bonnke
If you change your position (by turning to Jesus), then Jesus will change your situation. (Acts 26,18)

C. S. Lewis
I don’t doubt the Spirit guides you from within, but He also speaks through Scripture, Church, Friends, etc.

Max Lucado
– God is in the business of turning our mistakes into moments of grace.
– God’s grace gives us, not permission to do evil, but motivation to do good.

Paul David Tripp
– Corporate worship is designed to strengthen the community of faith by displaying the glory of the object of their faith, Jesus, Savior King.
– Grace takes sin seriously or there would be no need for grace, so real faith in God’s grace never results in not caring about sin.
– In Christ, you’re declared righteous (justification) then grace operates to actually make you what you were declared to be (sanctification).

John Piper
There is only one greater gift than to cry from the heart, „O wretched man that I am!”


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