TweetWords – March 06, 2011


Reinhard Bonnke
– Unbelief turns the famous somebody into a famous nobody, while faith turns the unknown nobody into God’s famous somebody.
– The Holy Spirit is God in action on earth.
– Jesus did not come to shame sinners. He came to save sinners.

C. S. Lewis
We shall not be able to adore God on the highest occasions if we have learned no habit of doing so on the lowest.

Oswald Chambers
– Never allow yourself to think that some tasks are beneath your dignity or to insignificant for you to do.
– Joy comes from seeing the complete fulfillment of the specific purpose for which I was created.

Max Lucado
God is not a product of your imagination. He’s far more than any of us could imagine, and He is truth.

John Piper
Conversion to Christ: a pearl-trampling swine miraculously sees One Pearl and sells all its sty and mud to buy that pearl.

Brian Houston
– ENDLESS possibilities come to the one, who abandons AIMLESS excuses!
– The presence of God has no counterfeit!

Paul David Tripp
Corporate worship is designed to remind us of the Eternal Community (God) who by grace welcomes us into eternal community with Him.

D. A. Carson
Solutions that do not address our alienation from the God who made us are at best superficial palliatives, at worst deceptive placebos.


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