TweetWords – June 28, 2011


Rick Warren
– True leaders dont choose the popular way, they make the right way popular. Leaders create consensus.
– Sometimes courageous leadership means standing still, saying nothing, completely confident in God. See 2 Chron20:17

A W Tozer
You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey Him.

John Piper
Do something toward the solution every day for the rest of your life. Problem identifiers and bemoaners are many. Be rare.

C. S. Lewis
– Our worst prayers may really be our best. God seems to speak to us most intimately when he catches us off guard.
– Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of havingmore of it than the next man.

Max Lucado
God grants us an uncommon life to the degree we surrender our common one.

Oswald Chambers
We are not here to work for God because we have chosen to do so, but because God has “laid hold of” us.

Paul David Tripp
– Today you must battle to convince yourself that what God says is true is really true and for that you have grace.
– Today you must work to remind yourself that what God is important IS important and for that you have been given grace.
– Today you must preach to yourself that what God says you need is, in fact, exactly what you need and for that you have the grace of Jesus.

Bob Goff
Jesus doesn’t try to speak over the noise we put in our lives; sometimes He whispers, but He never competes with us.



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