TweetWords – July 7, 2011


Rick Warren
– Optimism is psychological; hope is theological. Optimism focuses on what you think you can do. Hope trusts in what God can do.
– Praise people publicly; Correct them privately. „Outdo one another in showing honor” Rom.12:10 ESV
– Doubts are meant to be doubted;Beliefs are meant to be believed.
– Ranting about the shallowness of other churches is often a unsubtle, prideful effort at self-promotion of one’s own ministry.
– To become WISE, invest more time listening and learning from people over 50 and under 5. Your age knows what you know.

A W Tozer
Christ came and lost everything that He might heal the wounds that we have from losing things.

C. S. Lewis
The very nature of Joy makes nonsense of our common distinction between having and wanting.

Max Lucado
A common life? Heaven knows no such phrase. With God, every day matters, every person counts.

Reinhard Bonnke
Fire is the divine logo. Like it or leave it, the Christian faith is either fervent or a failure.

Paul David Tripp
– Grace will decimate your thoughts about how righteous you are while offering you a righteousness you could never achieve on your.
– Grace will prove to you how foolish you are while offering you wisdom no human experience or research could provide.
– Grace will expose how weak you really are while giving you strength greater than you could ever exert on your own.

Brian Houston
Whether a Christian is relevant, is determined by the gap between their life and message! Not by their songs or clothes!

Bob Goff
Jesus was more interested in our hearts than our plans. Plan’s work out or don’t; our hearts define our lives.

Scott Williams
Confidence is not a matter of thinking you are always right… it’s a matter of not fearing being wrong.

Charles Spurgeon
– As long as a man is alive and out of hell, he cannot have any cause to .
– I am glad there is no such thing as „chance,” that nothing is left to itself, but that Christ everywhere has sway.


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