Leonard Ravenhill
A true shepherd leads the way. He does not merely point the way.
Oswald Chambers
A saint is not to take the initiative toward self-realization, but toward knowing Jesus Christ.
C. S. Lewis
You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.
Rick Warren
When God confronted Adam about his sin, Adam took it like a man…he blamed a woman.
Max Lucado
It’s not the absence of storms that sets us apart. It’s whom we discover in the storm: an unstirred Christ.
Bob Goff
We make plans to help people; Jesus completes people. It’s the difference between a framer and a finish carpenter.
Charles Spurgeon
The fact is, we sometimes read Scripture, thinking of what it ought to say, rather than what it does say.
Adevăru-i că-i foaaaarte frumos headerul tău! 🙂 Mi-ar plăcea să mă conducă Păstorul pe-astfel de câmpuri!
Si eu gandesc ca tine.
Headerul e si un semn al nostalgiei: imi aduce aminte de copilaria mea.
Florile astea, despre care am aflat mai tarziu ca se numesc Cosmos, erau flori de rondouri pe acea vreme, flori frumoase dar nepretentioase.
Copilaria si vesnicia: doua „perioade” de suflet.