John Piper:
– Give as much attention to enlarging the depth of your ballast as you do to the height of your sails.
– False prophets come in sheep’s clothing, but don’t bear fruit. The beauty of fleece and the beauty of fruit are not the same.
– God, turn ten thousand women from Oprah to Esther with five magnificent words: „If I perish I perish.” (Esther 4:16)
– The mark of truth is God-exaltation, not self-exaltation. „The one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true.” (John 7:18)
We’re living in a culture now that is virtually obsessed with self-help pop-psychology remedies to make us happy. (R.C. Sproul)
D. A. Carson:
Just as knowledge of God and his Word serves as an incentive to Christian love, so love is necessary for a deepening knowledge of God.
Brenton Brown:
– Rivers that need crossing? History tells us that the presence of God is the answer we need – though not always what we want. (Joshua 3)
– Prayer: God’s breath in man returning to his birth Heaven in ordinary, man well dressed. (George Herbert).
Ryan Wayson:
Judgement that condemns is reserved for God alone. Judgement that edifies is for the saints as His tools. Analyze your motives before you speak.
CS Lewis:
– We must show our Christian colors if we are to be true to Jesus Christ. We cannot remain silent or concede everything away. (C. S. Lewis )
– The virtue of courage is a prerequisite for the practice of all other virtues otherwise one is virtuous only when virtue has no cost. (C. S. Lewis)
– The greatest danger to our future is apathy. (Jane Goodall)
– Women who strive to be equal to men lack ambition. (Anonymous)
– Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more. (Mother Teresa)
Max Lucado:
– Next time you hear a baby laugh or see an ocean wave, take note.Pause and listen as his Majesty whipsers ever so gently,’I’m here.’
– Jesus washes feet. Incredible. He cleanses the dirtiest n grimiest parts of our lives. Need time in His basin? I do.
John C Maxwell:
It’s amazing what you can do when you don’t seek all the credit. I find nothing is really one person’s idea. (Dan Tully)
Steve Berger:
The Bible is alive; it speaks to me. It has feet; it runs after me. It has hands; it lays hold of me! (Martin Luther)
Oswald Chambers:
Spiritual exhaustion is never the result of sin, but of service.
Bob Goff:
– Let our goal every day be to simply maintain eye contact with Jesus, not to memorize more facts about Him
– We’re building a Kingdom, but not the kind where we need to put archers on the walls. Ready, aim, love well
– We try to treat our pain with power, pleasure, or possessions. They won’t cure us. Nothing under the sun satisfies.
– Pain and brokeness are symptoms of a deeper disease. Don’t try and treat the symptoms. God holds the cure.
Desiring God:
– When we grow careless of keeping our souls, then God recovers our taste of good things again by sharp crosses. (Richard Sibbes)
– Poverty and affliction take away the fuel that feeds pride. (Richard Sibbes)