TweetWords – Feb. 11, 2011


A W Tozer:
„Some doubt the Word of God, some deny it and some laugh at it, but few actually read it.” (AW Tozer)

Bob Goff:
Jesus makes confetti out of our degrees, trophies and titles. He celebrates us, not our accomplishments.

– I would rather die than do something, which I know to be a sin, or to be against God’s will. (Joan of Arc)
– Only if we understand can we care. Only if we care will we help. Only if we help shall they be saved. (Jane Goodall)

John Piper:
„O what I owe to the furnace, the file, and the hammer of my Lord Jesus!” (Samuel Rutherford)

John C Maxwell:
The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team. (John Wooden)

Andrew Peterson:
„All men can be criminals, if tempted; all men can be heroes, if inspired.” (G.K. CHESTERTON)

Rick Warren:
– Comparing yourself to others is worthless.God wont grade your life on the curve, but on the Cross.
– The more aware you are of your own sinfulness, the more gracious you are to others. Judging others reveals self-righteousness.
– Believing the doctrines of grace doesnt make u gracious! You must EXPERIENCE grace to be transformed into a gracious person
– It is offensive to God when I claim to believe in grace while being ungracious to others.
– God commands:”Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves” (Pr. 31:8)
Fear disobedience more than human disapproval.
– Where there’s a will, there’s a … greedy relative.
– The dead aren’t hurt by insults,nor driven by praise. „Thru the Cross, the world is dead to me & I to the world” (Gal. 6:14)

Mike Scheuchzer:
God, help me to hate my sin today!

Brian Houston:
The difference between making a difference, and making no difference = Indifference.

Max Lucado:
There are many reasons to help people in need. Delivering someone from poverty unleashes that person’s potential. (Max Lucado)

Scott Anderson:
If we lose the mental, emotional & imaginative discipline of reading . . . how will we recognize the quiet intimacies of grace? (Greg Wolfe)

Desiring God:
At the very heart of our redemption is God changing what we most fundamentally want. (David Powlison)

Oswald Chambers:
Your mind is the greatest gift God has given you and it ought to be devoted entirely to Him.

Kristin Russell:
He who accepts nothing has nothing to return.

David Nasser:
I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels (John Calvin)

I’m glad at the way it came out, but at the conversion moment, what I heard was God saying-Put down your gun & we’ll talk. (C. S. Lewis)

Mike Donehey:
…to our brothers and sisters of the human race, „You are Loved. There is no reason to be afraid.” (Henri Nouwen)

Tabletalk Magazine:
„It is not chance but the Lord that sends affliction, and we should own and reverence His hand in it” (T. Boston).

D. A. Carson:
As absolute & mysterious as election may be, it never functions in Scripture as a disincentive to human responsibility and personal choices.

Kirk Franklin:
If my labor.. only points people to me.. I have FAILED.

„If God’s love is for anybody anywhere, it’s for everybody everywhere.”


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