TweetWords – Feb. 10, 2011


C S Lewis:
„In prayer we must lay before Him what is in us, not what ought to be in us.”

John Piper:
– Infinite dignity made Jesus’ suffering unendurable. Infinite love made it endurable.
– The outcome of irrationality. „Why, what evil has he done?” Answer: „Let him be crucified!” (Matt. 27:23)

Todd Agnew:
A man must not choose his neighbor; he must take the neighbor that God sends him. (George MacDonald)

Jon Acuff:
I’m afraid of accidentally hitting „reply to all” on emails like some people are afraid of heights.

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. (Helen Keller)

John C Maxwell:
There is something more powerful than anybody – and that is everybody. (Eddy Rickenbacker)

D. A. Carson:
There is a certain kind of maturity that can be attained only through the discipline of suffering.

Tim Hughes:
‘Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.’ (Berthold Auerbach)

The Ramp:
„You are called to heal the sick, but you never will until you fall crazy in love with the healer.” (Damon Thompson)

Brenton Brown:
„God had one Son without sin; but he has no son without temptation.” (Spurgeon)

A Ransomed Tribe:
If God was next to your physically I bet you’d be doing your homework.

Anything you own that you can’t give away actually owns you.

Jami Smith:
How do you define God’s grace?

Desiring God:
Our Lord Jesus Christ became the Bearer of the Spirit, in order to be the Bestower of the Spirit. (John Owen)

We’re living in a culture now that is virtually obsessed with self-help pop-psychology remedies to make us happy. (R.C. Sproul)


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