A W Tozer
We must invite the Cross to do its deadly work within before we can be free.
John Piper
Agnosticism cannot be lived. You jump off the fence of indecision every minute of every day.
C. S. Lewis
Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.
Paul David Tripp
– No holy God, no moral law, no sin, no judgment, no need for grace.
– Grace never says, „Do whatever you want and God will forgive.” No, grace says, „Obey God and when you fail, he will forgive.” (Romans 6:1)
– Grace is not about treating wrong as if it’s alright. Wrong is never alright, that’s why the grace of rescue and forgiveness is precious.
Brian Houston
When you fail to address your DISAPPOINTMENT with people, it will ultimately get the better of you!
Rick Warren
EVERY BELIEVER EVERYWHERE is called to GO. No exceptions. Period. You cannot „follow” Christ without going. It’s the Great Commission!