TweetWords – April 11, 2011


A W Tozer
– Religion has accepted the monstrous heresy that noise, size, activity and bluster make a man dear to God.
– What is of man uses manipulation to conform. What is of God uses implantation to transform.

D. A. Carson
What ought to make worship delightful to us is not its novelty or its aesthetic beauty but its object: God himself is delightfully wonderful.

John Piper
When God-centered leaders don’t know what to do, they know what to do about not knowing what to do. Pray.

C. S. Lewis
After each failure ask forgiveness and try again. Often what God helps us towards is the power of trying again.

Oswald Chambers
The Holy Spirit cannot be accepted as a guest in merely one room of the house— He invades all of it.

Paul David Tripp
– Biblical literacy and theological knowledge must never be the goal. The goal is a transformed life; these are tools to help get you there.
– God’s unwilling for you just to collect theological information. He wants that information to be a tool of personal transformation.
– God’s unwilling for you be just a recipient of/witness to the work of His kingdom. No, all his children are called to be participants in it.

Rick Warren
What got you here won’t get you there. Learn something new every day!


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