Acasă Etichete The Christian Post

Etichetă: The Christian Post

Jesus-Themed Easter Eggs

Jesus-Themed Easter Eggs Fill Supermarket Shelves in UK

The Real Easter Egg, “a milk chocolate egg to celebrate the real meaning of Easter,” is said to be the first and only Fairtrade egg to mention Jesus on the box.
Top 25 Gospel Praise and Worship Songs Released

Top 25 Gospel Praise and Worship Songs Released

The two-disc set reflects the most popular worship songs of 2010-2011 as determined by more than 170,000 churches in North America.
Loving the Bad Man

Loving the Bad Man

Loving the Bad Man is a compelling story about faith, love and redemption.
10 lucruri care cauzează stress în viaţa unui lider

10 lucruri care cauzează stress în viaţa unui lider

Eu cred că biserica este biserica mea şi nu Biserica Sa ... şi că eu sunt în control, mai degrabă decât El!

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