Acasă Etichete Presa

Etichetă: Presa

Nici să-ţi pleci capul nu mai ai voie

Nici să-ţi pleci capul nu mai ai voie?

Corectitudinea politică, această plagă americană, cu rădăcini vest-europene, duce la situaţii absurde.
Doing The Right Thing

Christians Launch ‘Doing the Right Thing’ Movement

Tens of thousands of Christians from across the country tuned in to a live webcast on Saturday to witness the launch of the "Doing the Right Thing" movement. The grassroots movement is being led by (Chuck) Colson, who believes an ethics revolution is "desperately needed."
Terms That Abuse the Gospel

Terms That Abuse the Gospel

Would it surprise you that the following five terms are never used in the Bible when it comes to describing how a person receives salvation?
Israel şi Palestina şi... bloggingul

Israel şi Palestina şi… bloggingul

Israel şi Palestina ... Fiecare are dreptul să îşi susţină punctul de vedere; de dorit cu argumente. Așa e și cu bloggingul.
Ten Signs You Are Near a Burnout, Meltdown

Ten Signs You Are Near a Burnout, Meltdown

Here are ten signs that you are near a burnout and/or meltdown…

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