Etichetă: Extrase
Seven Reasons Leaders Fail
1.They feel they are invincible.
2.They are paralyzed by fear.
3.They fail to grow.
4.They are not passionate about their area of leadership.
5.They fail to dream.
6.They have a sense of entitlement.
7.They have a sense of victimization.
The Church Exists by Mission
"The Church exists by mission as a fire exists by burning."
Emil Brunner
Revanşa istoriei
Nero beheaded Paul, but today we name our sons Paul and our dogs Nero.
Skepticism vs. Unbelief
There is a difference between doubt, skepticism, and outright unbelief.
O prea mare îndrazneală în interpretarea Cuvantului lui Dumnezeu
... văd o prea mare îndrazneală în interpretarea Cuvantului lui Dumnezeu.