Acasă Etichete Dumnezeu

Etichetă: Dumnezeu

The Greatest Rescue

The Greatest Rescue

This weekend at Saddleback, Chilean miner Jose Henriquez shared his harrowing story of being trapped in a mine with 32 other men for a staggering 69 days. He described to the audience how prayer and his faith in God’s power to rescue brought hope against all odds.

Umblând cu Dumnezeu vs. Lucrând pentru Dumnezeu

Gladys Famoriyo scrie un articol în The Christian Post, intitulat Walking with God vs. Working for Him (Umblând cu Dumnezeu vs. Lucrând pentru Dumnezeu), cu subtitlul Returning to Your First Love (Întorcându-te la dragostea dintâi).
Phil Keaggy, Randy Stonehill, Bob Bennett & Buck Storm

Phil Keaggy, Randy Stonehill, Bob Bennett & Buck Storm – Secret Name of God...

0 Vezi şi: - Phil Keaggy, Randy Stonehill, Bob Bennett & Buck Storm – Songs For Israel - Phil Keaggy, Randy Stonehill, Bob Bennett & Buck Storm – The Garden (Songs For Israel) - Phil Keaggy,...
Potter and Clay

Potter and Clay

Rebecca Friedlander shares a story of God's Redemption through the Potter and Clay.
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