Iubit iubind


De o bună perioadă de timp mă vizitează nişte versuri. Sunt versurile unui cântec pe care îl cântam în copilărie:
„Oare cine ne iubeşte, dintre fiinţe, cel mai mult?”
Îmi aduc aminte cu duioşie şi de copilărie şi de acest cântec.
„Cine-i oare fiinţa care ne iubeste chiar aşa de mult?
Este Domnul, Domnul Isus şi doresc de sfatu-I să ascult.”

Ce e iubirea Lui? Cât de mare e iubirea Lui?
Nu ştiu. Zic şi eu, folosind tot versuri:
Iubirea Lui e mult prea mare
În vorbe simple s-o descrii.

Pentru iubire nu există decât un singur răspuns: iubirea.

Boyz II Men – Dear GOD

Dear God, it’s me again
I am so far from where I could have been
Dear God, I would be incomplete
But You came and touched my life in time of need
So I’m thanking You for all You’ve done
And for sacrificing Your only Son

That’s why I’m writing You this letter
To let You know that I love You
Thank You for all that I am
And for being a friend
Lord, my love for You’ll never end

Dear God, it’s shown this time
I’m so grateful for the way You’ve changed my life
I’d give all I have, I’d just throw it all away
For a chance to walk with You through Heaven’s gates
That’s why I’m thanking You for Your love and Your grace
I don’t deserve these blessings, no, no that You give to me

That’s why I’m writing You this letter
To let You know that I love You
Thank You for all that I am
And for being a friend
Lord, my love for You’ll never end

Dear God, as a humble man I come to You like a child
Needing Your knowledge Your love and Your guidance Lord
Thank You for trusting me with my own life’s decisions
But I’m just a man and I don’t deserve this incredible life
That You’ve given me Jesus I love You Lord, I love You

Dear God, it’s me Wanya
I’m so sorry, so sorry for living for me
But I promise from this day on I’m livin’ for You
‘Cause without You my life means nothing

That’s why I’m writing You this letter
To let You know that I love You
Thank You for all that I am
And for being a friend
Lord, my love for You’ll never end

That’s why I’m writing You this letter
To let You know that I love You
Thank You for all that I am
And for being a friend
Lord, my love for You’ll never end


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