SermonSongs: Matthew West - Hello My Name Is

SermonSongs: JJ Heller – What Love Really Means

Who will love me for me Not for what I have done or what I will become Who will love me for me ‘Cause nobody has shown me what love What love really means
SermonSongs: Matthew West - Hello My Name Is

SermonSongs: Intro

Se spune că o imagine face mai mult decât o mie de cuvinte. Probabil că e aşa, mai ales când e vorba de o imagine reuşită. Cred că aşa e şi cu muzica. O melodie inspirată face mai mult decât o mie de predici de duzină.
SermonSongs: Matthew West - Hello My Name Is

SermonSongs: Matthew West – Hello My Name Is

Mesaj central: Hello, my name is child of the one true King I've been saved, I've been changed, I have been set free "Amazing Grace" is the song I sing
SermonSongs: Matthew West - Hello My Name Is

SermonSongs: Steve Camp – Dont Tell Them Jesus Loves Them

Don't tell them Jesus loves them Till you're ready to love them too! Nu le spune că Isus îi iubeşte Până nu eşti gata să-i iubeşti şi tu!
SermonSongs: Matthew West - Hello My Name Is

SermonSongs: Laura Story – Blessings

What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise? Şi dacă încercările acestei vieţi sunt îndurările Tale deghizate?

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