
TweetWords – July 27, 2011

Rick Warren - You'll never understand yourself fully. But you can get to know Jesus who does understand you fully and still loves you. - It's stupid to assume we know the motivations of other's hearts. We don't know our own motivations most of the time.
... mi se face rău de la stomac

… mi se face rău de la stomac

... mi se face rău de la stomac! Nu mie, ci lui Beni Fărăgău când se uită la blogurile creştine. Declaraţia a fost făcută la Conferinţa UCD.

TweetWords – July 26, 2011

Rick Warren - Never engage those who insult you online. They're just looking for a fight, not clarity. - Jealousy is caused by selfishness, not love. - Whenever I think I understand it all, I realize I haven’t been listening.

TweetWords – July 25, 2011

Rick Warren - Planting a church by attracting disgruntled believers is one of the stupidest ideas I've heard, for a dozen reasons. - Pastor, you attract what you are. If you're cranky, folks who love to argue and fight will fill the church. If you gossip, they will!

TweetWords – July 24, 2011

Rick Warren - Music styles are languages. It takes all kinds of languages to communicate God's love to all kinds of people. - Authenicity is NOT a style of music. What makes music authentic is the character of the musician playing it.

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