25 Books Every Christian Should Read

25 Books Every Christian Should Read

In 25 Books Every Christian Should Read, Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, Phyllis Tickle, Chris Webb, and a diverse editorial board of authors and speakers have identified the most helpful and historic books for Christian discipleship and created a resource that helps us make the most of them.
Jules Verne

Jules Verne 183

Astăzi se împlinesc 183 de ani de la naşterea lui Jules Verne.
Michael W. Smith - A Simple Blessing - The Extraordinary Power of an Ordinary Prayer

Michael W. Smith – A Simple Blessing: The Extraordinary Power of an Ordinary Prayer

Recently, Michael began closing his concerts with a simple, Scripture-filled prayer of benediction. Go behind the scenes and witness the tremendous response he's received. You'll see how God's blessing can sometimes be measured more by character than by wealth!
Nu Bob Dylan, ci Tomas Tranströmer

Nu Bob Dylan, ci Tomas Tranströmer

Mi-aş fi dorit ca Bob Dylan, acest trubadur modern, să câştige anul acesta Premiul Nobel pentru literatură. N-a fost să fie. Câştigătorul este un suedez: Tomas Tranströmer. Motivaţia juriului: "pentru că, prin imaginile sale translucide şi condensate, el ne permite un acces liber la realitate".
2011 Carol Awards winners

2011 Carol Awards winners

The Carol Awards are ACFW's recognition for the best Christian fiction published by traditional publishing houses in the previous calendar year.

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