
TweetWords – June 28, 2011

A W Tozer You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey Him.
We exist to spread, not sell

We exist to spread, not sell

Almost everything I've ever published is free online. Including the books. We exist to spread, not sell.

TweetWords – June 27, 2011

Max Lucado He loves. He gave. We believe. We live.
SermonSongs: Matthew West - Hello My Name Is

SermonSongs: Steve Camp – Dont Tell Them Jesus Loves Them

Don't tell them Jesus loves them Till you're ready to love them too! Nu le spune că Isus îi iubeşte Până nu eşti gata să-i iubeşti şi tu!
SermonSongs: Matthew West - Hello My Name Is

SermonSongs: Intro

Se spune că o imagine face mai mult decât o mie de cuvinte. Probabil că e aşa, mai ales când e vorba de o imagine reuşită. Cred că aşa e şi cu muzica. O melodie inspirată face mai mult decât o mie de predici de duzină.

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